Monday, June 25, 2007

Cottage Life

I have been spending most of the last month living up at my families cottage on Twelve mile bay. Settled in the Muskoka region of Georgian Bay it is a small old rugged cabin that my Grandfather built in 1959. It has been a vast shoebox of summer memories for me since i was very young. Knowing how fortunate it is to have a place like this to retreat to, I invited some friends up this weekend to share these experiences.

Friday night we (Sarah, Adrian, Mike and Kathleen) arrived late and made a fire to warm up. We stargazed from waters edge as the moon lit the horizon creating a pitch black silhouette of trees mirrored in the glass lake below. I think stargazing should be part of the Canada food guide.

Saturday was a lazy cloudy day, but on Sunday the sun came out and we headed west to the mouth of Georgian bay, home to the thousand islands and part of the Canadian shield. Smooth flowing rocks like rolling hills dip in and out of the water rising and falling and twisting with long veins of granite and Quartz that stretch out for miles.

We even saw a mongoose, amongst other things that weekend like; Great Blue Heron, loons, Canada geese (I've been watching this family grow since they were little yellow fuzzy balls), Terns, tadpoles, minows, woodpecker not to mention a pesky mouse that manages to snatch cookie crumbs off of mouse-traps.

I'm looking forward to heading back as you can bet for the next nine days. Preparing the place for my grandmother to come up and spend the rest of the summer, she needs a lot of help with the place and i am more than happy to show my thanks for keeping a special place like this alive for our family and friends.

See Photo's of this weekend at

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